Coda is being polished and rewritten where necessary. Coda is a work in progress and does have bugs. It is, though, very usable. If you want to get more information on Coda or get a newer release of the software check out: and ======== WARNING: ======== CODA IS BARELY READY FOR PRODUCTION USE. THIS RELEASE IS JUST FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN EXPLORING THOSE FEATURES WHICH WORK. IT CONTAINS KERNEL CODE, AND SERVERS RUNNING WITH ROOT PRIVILIGES, AND COULD LEAD TO DATA LOSS. And of course, your bug reports (and even fixes) would be appreciated. ======== NOTES: ======== If the client (venus) reports: Connection Timedout when accessing a file, this means that venus thinks the server has crashed. Venus does not have the file cached locally and it can not get it. You should log in to the server (vice) machine and look at /vice/srv/SrvErr /vice/srv/SrvLog If the client (venus) hangs when accessing a file and/or "ls /coda" hangs, then venus itself has probably crashed. Look at the logs /usr/coda/etc/console /usr/coda/venus.cache/venus.log